The Last House On The Left (1972)
- Duration: 01:24:00
- Year: 1972
- Rating: NR
- Cast: Wes Craven
- Directors: Wes Craven
- Writers: Wes Craven, Ulla Isaksson
- Genre: Indie, Horror|Slasher, Horror|Serial Killer, Grindhouse, Grindhouse|Crime, Grindhouse|Hippie Films, Grindhouse|Horror, Grindhouse|Shocksploitation, Grindhouse|Slasher Films, Grindhouse|Thriller, Thriller, Thriller|Psychological Thriller, Cult Classic, Gender|Women
Wes Craven's cult classic, The Last House on the Left, is not for the faint heart or easily shocked. Two teenage girls head to a rock concert, trying to score marijuana. They are kidnapped and brutalized by a gang of psychotic convicts. It's violent, exploitative, and packs a visceral punch.